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STORY July 2019 Re-cap

Thanks to our brave story-sharers! As always the room was buzzing with energy, emotion, and such awesome connection.  (Also check out this month's reflections here.)

Have I told you how much I effing love these nights?!? 

Andrea’s delivery reeled us in; her story was sexy and sweet and we experienced desire through new eyes.

Mike found beauty in our bias. His poem echoed as it challenged our tendency toward fear and judgment.

Darcy reflected on the past, present and future... and illuminated the deepest parts of her that deserve the right to vote. 

Dana's presence is palpable. She helped us see how her story led to the creation of TWE, the non-profit organization that is empowering women.

Deborah read some of her most powerful and resonant poetry and brought the audience to their knees.

Michael shared his dark night of the soul, a passion for life despite our human struggle.

Molly - my first share in the two years we’ve been doing STORY; a piece that explored my relationship to hair, to change, and the need for my outside to reflect my own evolution. Enormous thank you to Erin who held me and expertly wielded the shears.

Wanna hear more? Check out my post: STORY July 2019 Reflections.


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